Instructions Following Denture or Partial Delivery
You may have discomfort for few days after receiving your final dentures or partials. Dentures and partials will often need several adjustments in order to fit comfortably. To help adjust to your prosthesis, you can practice reading aloud for a little while each day. At night you should remove your prosthesis and clean them. They should be stored in a clean container filled with denture cleaning solution. Your prosthesis should be removed for at least 6 hours a day to give your mouth and gums time to rest. Food particles can become trapped under your prosthesis causing inflammation or sore spots. Brush the roof of your mouth, your tongue and lightly brush your gums after removing your dentures.
Ongoing care for your mouth includes brushing your teeth and surrounding tissues after every meal and snack, and flossing at least once a day before bedtime unless you have full dentures, in which case gently brushing your gums is very important. Rinsing your mouth with water or mouthwash will also help to remove any additional particles that may have been missed during brushing and flossing.
If you have a denture, you should visit our office at least once a year to have your denture adjusted and checked by the doctor. If you wear a partial, you should schedule regular visits to have your teeth evaluated and partial adjusted. Wearing ill-fitting dentures or partials without proper care and adjustment can cause severe bone loss and very serious oral disease.
Please call our office at the first signs of any symptoms or if you are experiencing ongoing pain or discomfort.